CBD & Alzheimer's disease

Among other things, Alzheimer's disease causes a blockage in the brain. This disrupts the endocannabinoid system (ECS). Cannabidoil (CBD) could reduce these blockages, reducing Alzheimer's symptoms. Not only forgetfulness, but also body stiffness and behavioural problems.

Causes of forgetfulness and agitation Scientists suspect that several types of protein are the causative agents of Alzheimer's disease. One of these proteins, amyloid, often shows up first in the part of the brain where memories are created, the hippocampus. Forgetfulness is therefore often a first symptom. In addition, patients experience a lot of stress, are more easily irritable, suffer from insomnia and feel lethargic. These symptoms occur partly because nerve cells in the outer layer of the cerebellum die.

What is Alzheimer's disease?

Alzheimer's disease is the most common form of dementia. Brain cells die, causing the well-known symptoms of this disease. A lot of research is being done, but the exact cause of this disease is not yet known. The first sign of Alzheimer's disease is often forgetfulness and it does not stop there. People with Alzheimer's disease experience increasing difficulty with everyday things like washing, dressing and eating. There can also be behavioural changes and changes in character. In addition, patients may experience difficulty with language. In the final stage, chewing and swallowing often become more difficult and people lose a lot of weight and often become incontinent. The life expectancy for people with Alzheimer's disease varies considerably, but on average it does not exceed 10 years.

What is CBD?

CBD stands for cannabidiol. It contains cannabinoids that are also found in your own body and are also extracted from hemp plants. CBD is completely legal. It contains no substances that can make you high or stoned. CBD is recognised by your own body and is therefore not rejected. It can therefore do its beneficial work in your body undisturbed. CBD can have a beneficial effect on memory, but it can also positively influence appetite, mood and motor skills.

How does CBD work in Alzheimer's?
Studies are taking place on the possibility, that Alzheimer's is partly caused by blockages within cannabinoids in the human brain. This substance is not only present in people's bodies, but is also found in hemp and cannabis plants. CBD has a direct effect on the endocannabionoid system, your brain's own cannabis system, and could therefore reduce these blockages. Symptoms such as behavioural problems or body stiffness can also decrease when using CBD.

The simplest way to administer CBD to Alzheimer's patients is to use CBD patches. CBD patches are 15 times more effective then oral CBD products like CBD oil.
AlzheimerAlzheimer's diseaseCannabidiolCbdCbd patchesEndocannabinoid system