
¿Dejar de fumar? Descubre el poder del CBD!
Estudios científicos demuestran que el CBD ayuda a dejar de fumar.El CBD es una sustancia natural que hace que los receptores adictos a la nicotina...

La L-teanina y el dormir bien
La L-teanina (γ-glutamiletilamida, 5-N-etil-glutamina) es un aminoácido único y soluble en agua. La L-teanina se encuentra más comúnmente en las ho...

El Lúpulo y el dormir bien
Humulus lupulus pertenece, junto con el cáñamo, a la pequeña familia de plantas Cannabaceae. Estos dos géneros no sólo están relacionados botánicam...

La Manzanilla y el dormir bien
La manzanilla es una de las hierbas medicinales más antiguas conocidas por la humanidad. La manzanilla es una especie que se encuentra en toda Euro...

La Ashwagandha y el dormir bien
La Ashwagandha es una planta utilizada en la medicina ayurvédica para combatir el insomnio y conseguir una mejor calidad del sueño.Ashwagandha (Wit...

La Flor de la pasión y el dormir bien
La pasionaria es una planta trepadora originaria del centro, sur y norte de América que produce hermosas flores y deliciosos pequeños frutos llamad...

La Valeriana y el dormir bien
Todo el mundo sabe que dormir bien por la noche es de gran importancia. Dormir bien garantiza que el cuerpo pueda recuperarse adecuadamente y, cuan...

El 5-HTP y el dormir bien
El 5-HTP (L-triptófano o 5 HidroxiTriptofano) actúa como antioxidante y es el precursor directo de la serotonina y la melatonina. El 5-HTP se produ...

El Zinc y el dormir bien
Después del hierro, el zinc es el mineral más abundante en el organismo. El zinc es esencial para la función de la próstata, el crecimiento óseo, l...

El Potasio y el dormir bien
Todo el mundo lo padece de vez en cuando: noches de insomnio. Para algunas personas, el insomnio dura sólo unos días, pero la mayoría lo padece dur...

El Magnesio y el dormir bien
Un gran número de personas padecen deficiencia de magnesio. Según algunos estudios, aproximadamente la mitad de las personas padecen esta deficienc...

Water filter for caravans and motorhomes
A caravan, a motorhome, or a boat are tiny houses that offer you independence. To be independent in terms of energy, solar panels are an excellent ...

Water filtration systems for isolated networks
"Do you live or want to live 'isolated'? With our water filtration systems, you can independently filter any type of water, for example, contaminat...

Reverse Osmosis - Water Filtration Systems
"After the water passes through a reverse osmosis filter, it is essentially pure water. In addition to removing all organic molecules and viruses. ...

Ultrafiltration (UF) as one of the mainstream membrane-based technologies has been widely used in water treatment. Increasing demand for clean and ...

Natural purification
First, it is important to know how to distinguish between the terms "filtration" and "purification." It can be difficult to know the difference bet...

Why domestic leakage?
Many people are (still) unfamiliar with filtering water. This is mainly because many people "think" that it is not necessary to filter water in the...

What is Red Light Therapy (RLT)?
The potential of red light to treat various health and aesthetic issues is just beginning to be recognized thanks to the interest of researchers, u...

Pain relief with red light therapy (RLT)
If you suffer from chronic pain, are recovering from an injury, or are seeking relief for an ailment like arthritis, red light therapy may help you...

Hair growth and red light therapy (RLT)
Are you looking for a natural solution for hair loss or thinning?
Red light therapy, including the benefits of infrared light, offers a scientific...

Rosacea and red light therapy (RLT)
You may have heard of the term rosacea, but do you know the details of this skin condition? Rosacea is a skin condition that primarily appears on t...

Acne and red light therapy (RLT)
People with acne need a good skincare routine to combat acne and treat their skin. Nowadays, there is a new, very promising, and scientifically pro...

Psoriasis and red light therapy
Psoriasis is a skin condition with overlapping symptoms such as inflammation, itching, dryness, and cracking. However, psoriasis is an autoimmune d...

Pigmentary spots and red light therapy (RLT)
Pigment spots are often associated with skin aging and, therefore, are considered disfiguring. Fortunately, you can safely and effectively treat pi...

Skin problems? Discover red light therapy!
Red light phototherapy, also known as low-level light therapy (LLLT) or LED light therapy, uses light-emitting diodes (LEDs) to deliver specific an...

What is CBD and how does it work?
The first scientific studies on the hemp plant were conducted in the mid-20th century. Initially, the goal was to identify the chemical structure o...

Chronic pain, nerve pain, or neuropathic pain
Pain is a natural protective mechanism of the organism. When pain lasts more than 3 weeks, we talk about chronic pain. Scientists have discovered t...

The CDB and Hypoxia-Ischemia
Hypoxia-ischemia includes the deficiency of oxygen in the blood that causes damage to the body's tissues. Cannabidiol (CBD) has a beneficial effect...

CBD and epilepsy
While up to 70% of people with epilepsy are able to control seizures with antiepileptic drugs, around 30% of seizures continue to occur despite the...

CBD and depression
CBD is becoming increasingly popular, and it's no surprise, as it is known for its positive medicinal qualities for numerous conditions. In this ar...