El CDB y el Hipoxia-Isquemia

Hypoxia-ischemia includes the deficiency of oxygen in the blood that causes damage to the body's tissues. Cannabidiol (CBD) has a beneficial effect on blood flow in the human body and, therefore, may help repair tissue damage and reduce symptoms due to hypoxia-ischemia. Causes of fatigue, shortness of breath, and increased heart rate.

The human body needs oxygen to function.
The oxygen from the air enters the lungs and passes into the blood. Through the blood, it reaches the body's cells to provide them with energy. If a temporary insufficient amount of oxygen reaches certain parts of the body, various consequences occur, such as fatigue, difficulty breathing, and an increased heart rate. This can lead not only to physical symptoms but also to psychological ones, such as concentration and short-term memory problems. Blurred vision and hearing issues can also occur. Tissue damage may also occur.

What is hypoxia-ischemia?

Hypoxia occurs because the tissues of the body or parts of it have not received enough oxygen. There are different types of hypoxia, which are distinguished by the cause of their appearance. In hypoxic-ischemia, the cause of the decrease in tissue blood flow and cerebral blood flow lies in fainting, heart problems, low temperatures due to the narrowing of blood vessels, or g-forces. Hypoxic-ischemia is, therefore, a combination of poor blood flow to the tissues and organs combined with lower levels of oxygen in the blood.

What is CBD?
CBD is the abbreviation for cannabidiol. The use of CBD is permitted in the Netherlands. Additionally, it does not contain any ingredient under whose influence one could fall. It contains substances that are also found in the human body, namely cannabinoids. If your body lacks natural cannabinoids, you can supplement it with CBD, which is extracted from hemp plants. As it is a substance that is also found in your own body, it will not reject CBD. The cannabinoids you have ingested through CBD have a beneficial effect on the symptoms of hypoxia-ischemia, reducing its symptoms.

How does CBD act in hypoxia-ischemia?

The body's endocannabinoid system is directly affected by CBD consumption. This system is composed of cannabis-like substances and, if it does not function properly, it affects various processes in the body. The malfunctioning of the endocannabinoid system also contributes to the development of hypoxia-ischemia.

CBD can dilate blood vessels, improving blood flow to the body. As a result, tissues receive more blood again and symptoms caused by poor circulation decrease. Additionally, after oxygen deficiency in the tissues, there is a higher risk of inflammation. This can cause more damage to the tissues.

CBD protects tissues from inflammation by inhibiting certain defense mechanisms of the body. CBD increases blood flow to damaged tissues, thus promoting recovery.