El CBD y las enfermedades inflamatorias

There are many forms of inflammation and inflammatory diseases. Inflammation is the body's own response to damage. The damage can be caused by external factors or by the body itself. The goal of inflammation is to eliminate the agent causing the damage and to repair it. Sometimes the body is unable to repair the inflammation or it recurs repeatedly. In this case, we talk about chronic inflammation or inflammatory disease. 

Common chronic inflammatory diseases
Among chronic inflammatory diseases are osteoarthritis, fibromyalgia, diabetes, multiple sclerosis, cardiovascular diseases, and also, for example, acne. These diseases can accumulate slowly or appear suddenly. For example, acute appendicitis or acute cystitis are also inflammatory diseases. Normally, these acute inflammations are accompanied by local symptoms such as pain, redness, and swelling or short-term symptoms such as fever, fatigue, decreased appetite, diarrhea, and muscle pain.

An optimally functioning immune system can resolve an acute inflammation on its own within 3 to 7 days. When the immune system is unbalanced or even attacks itself, chronic inflammatory processes may arise.

How can CBD help?

CBD is a natural compound extracted from the hemp plant. Nature is wonderful, and plants and herbs can have surprisingly positive effects on our bodies. Cannabinoids like CBD can do a lot for patients with inflammatory conditions. For example, CBD may have a beneficial effect on fatigue, can be used as a natural pain reliever, and can inhibit or even reduce inflammation. Many studies on the benefits of CBD are still in the exploratory phase. However, more and more is being learned about the positive effect of CBD on various conditions, from fibromyalgia to gut health and depression.

CBD and inflammatory diseases

The human body has what is called the endocannabinoid system, also known as ECS. This system ensures the interaction between the body and the mind and makes the cells work effectively in a specific area. The substances that stimulate the ECS are called cannabinoids. These cannabinoids are produced by the body itself, but they can also be supplemented with CBD. By doing so, CBD is quickly absorbed into the blood and can activate the ECS receptors.

In chronic inflammation, the immune system does not function properly. Thus, it can be constantly active, increasingly undermining bodily functions due to a lack of energy. There is also the danger that the immune system is underactive and lacks the energy to do anything else. In this case, infections are contracted quickly and often last a long time. CBD may help restore balance.