At the heart of tobacco addiction (or rather nicotine addiction) are the brain receptors addicted to nicotine. And this is not very surprising, as nicotine is among the 3 most addictive substances (source: Jellinek). The fact is that nicotine is more addictive than, for example, alcohol, ecstasy, GHB, LSD, or cocaine, among others.
How does it work?
The number of receptors in the brain differs from person to person, so the degree of addiction also varies. People with more receptors have a harder time quitting smoking than those with fewer. The longer a person smokes, the more receptors become activated.
When one quits smoking, these receptors continue to crave nicotine. When you have been smoke-free for long enough, the receptors stop doing so and you free yourself from addiction!
The displaced addiction
When you quit smoking using a nicotine-based device (for example, nicotine patches, gums, sprays, etc.), you are still actually addicted to nicotine. Even an electronic cigarette is not a real alternative. This is because you are still feeding your receptors with nicotine. In reality, you have transferred the addiction to another product.
Research and studies
In several scientific studies, CBD (short for cannabidiol) has been shown to be effective in nicotine withdrawal syndrome, but also for other addictions such as alcohol.
In summary: this is because nicotine and CBD act on the same receptors. Nicotine activates these receptors, while CBD blocks them. Blocking the receptors immediately reduces the desire to smoke (nicotine).
What is CBD?
CBD is the abbreviation for cannabinoids. Cannabinoids are a natural product and are extracted from specially cultivated fiber hemp plants. These plants have a very high CBD content. CBD is 100% legal and natural, and you definitely cannot get high from it! Additionally, it has no side effects and does not create addiction.
Endocannabinoid system: biological system in humans and animals
Scientists discovered (not long ago) that the human body has a vast endocannabinoid system that affects many bodily functions. The system consists of several receptors in the body and the brain. Each person also produces small amounts of cannabinoids on their own. CBD fuels this biological system.
CBD Products - Discover the Differences
CBD is incorporated into numerous products because, in addition to anti-addictive effects, it also has strong anti-inflammatory and pain-relieving properties. You can divide the different CBD products by their bioavailability. CBD patches are 15 times more effective (and therefore cheaper!) than oral CBD products.