Sistemas de filtración de agua para off-grid

"Do you live or want to live 'isolated'? With our water filtration systems, you can independently filter any type of water, for example, contaminated tap water, highly chlorinated water, rainwater, or stream water until you obtain very pure water."


Scientific research shows that the level of water pollution worldwide reaches 72%. Much of the water contains many microplastic particles, as well as many other contaminants such as pesticides, fungicides, pharmaceutical residues, hormones, bacteria, and viruses, among others. In many foreign countries, the water has a strong chlorine taste and/or it is advised not to drink it.


For homes without access to the electrical grid, there are two ways to filter water: reverse osmosis and ultrafiltration. Other methods, such as microfiltration and nanofiltration, are particularly suitable for industrial applications, such as breweries, the pharmaceutical industry, etc.

1. reverse osmosis
2. ultrafiltration


The purest form of water filtration is "reverse osmosis," known in Spanish as ósmosis inversa or RO for short. This technique dates back to 1871, making it a well-established water filtration method. It was initially developed to convert saltwater into freshwater. Thus, large vessels, such as container ships, among others, but also warships, all have a reverse osmosis system.

This reverse osmosis filtration technology for isolated installations can filter ±99% of all contaminants and harmful substances from water. The 99% percentage depends on the quality of the water (or its contamination). The reverse osmosis system can include rainwater and water from streams and springs developed in 1871 and can filter ±99% of all contaminants. Did you know that all large container and naval ships are equipped with this type of filtration? However, reverse osmosis is not suitable for a caravan because the system requires high water pressure. Additionally, a reverse osmosis system takes up quite a bit of space. However, it is very suitable for domestic use when the water pressure is sufficient and there is enough space in the kitchen cabinet.


The best alternative to reverse osmosis is ultrafiltration. Ultrafiltration, like reverse osmosis, is a membrane technique. The main difference lies in the size of the pores of this membrane. In UF, it is 0.01 microns, while in reverse osmosis it is 0.0001 microns. As a result, it requires much less water pressure and the system is much more compact, easier to install, and maintain. For example, the system only has 1 filter (all-in-one) that is easy to replace.

With ultrafiltration, approximately 80-90% of the water is filtered. Through this UF technique, this system filters, among other things: bacteria, viruses, microplastics, fluoride, GenX, PFAS, chlorine, pesticides (including glyphosate), heavy metals (including lead, aluminum, nickel, and copper), pharmaceutical and medication residues (including antibiotics, anti-inflammatories, beta-blockers) and medications (for cancer, contraceptives, antidepressants, and hormones).


The UF systems from Purassima (Hermes/Atlantis) are the most compact systems based on membrane filtration. You can install these systems yourself or, of course, you can hire a professional, such as a plumber, to do the installation. The system is easy to install and requires very little water pressure. If you choose a reverse osmosis system, it is highly recommended that a professional (for example, a plumber) install it.


"With Purassima water filtration systems, you will no longer have to carry many liters of mineral water. This is because the water is much purer than mineral water and, in addition to the convenience, it also represents an economic saving. Do the math:"

On average, 1 liter of tap water costs 0.05 euros, while Spa blue mineral water costs 0.60 euros per liter.
Let's assume 2 liters per day per person:
Purassima Hermes: 0.05 euros x 2 liters x 365 (days) = 36.50 euros per person per year.
Mineral water: 0.60 euros x 2 liters x 365 (days) = 438 euros per person
Savings: 438,- euros per person per year x 2 = 876,- euros

As a guideline: Replacing the filter or filters will only cost you between ± 99,- and 200,- euros (depending on the system) per year.