El CBD y el trastorno de ansiedad

CBD and anxiety disorder

CBD not only has great effects on the body but also on the mind. An anxiety disorder causes both mental and physical symptoms, which can significan...
El CBD y la enfermedad de Alzheimer

CBD and Alzheimer's disease

Among other things, Alzheimer's disease causes a blockage in the brain. This alters the endocannabinoid system (ECS). Cannabidiol (CBD) could reduc...
El CBD y la diabetes

CBD and diabetes

People who suffer from diabetes, or diabetics, do not always have it easy. They can experience what is called hypoglycemia, caused by low blood sug...
El CBD y la artritis

CBD and arthritis

Arthritis is an unpleasant problem that can greatly affect people. Joint pain can accumulate significantly and cause a lot of discomfort. With CBD,...
El CBD y las enfermedades inflamatorias

CBD and inflammatory diseases

There are many forms of inflammation and inflammatory diseases. Inflammation is the body's own response to damage. The damage can be caused by exte...
¿Dejar de fumar? ¡Descubre cómo puede ayudarte el CBD!

"Quit smoking? Discover how CBD can help you!"

At the heart of tobacco addiction (or rather nicotine addiction) are the brain receptors addicted to nicotine. And this is not very surprising, as ...
El CBD y la fibromialgia

'CBD and fibromyalgia'

Many people with fibromyalgia turn to cannabidiol (CBD) to treat chronic pain, anxiety, and lack of sleep or insomnia. Cannabidiol has known proper...
El CBD y la Esclerosis Múltiple (EM)

CBD and Multiple Sclerosis (MS)

MS (Multiple Sclerosis) is a serious disease of the central nervous system that often presents with inflammation, joint pain, muscle spasms, and fa...
El CBD y la enfermedad de Parkinson

CBD and Parkinson's disease

It is a mistake to think that Parkinson's disease only affects older people. There are also people in their thirties who have been diagnosed. Parki...
El CBD y la enfermedad de Crohn

CBD and Crohn's disease

What is CBD and why does it work for Crohn's disease?

 Although Crohn's disease currently has no cure, symptoms can be significantly reduced with ...
El CBD y el reumatismo

CBD and rheumatism

Rheumatism is a collective name for more than a hundred different disorders of the muscles, tendons, and joints. This disease can negatively affect...
¡Dormir bien!

Sleep well!

"Do you have trouble falling asleep, sleep poorly, or wake up tired? Discover how you can sleep better with the best science-based natural ingredie...
¿Padece menopausia?

Are you suffering from menopause?

Discover how nature can help you against ailments like hot flashes and night sweats and can reduce your suffering.Menopause is the conclusion of th...
¿Sufre de piernas inquietas (RLS)?

Do you suffer from restless legs syndrome (RLS)?

Restless legs syndrome is a neurological condition characterized by an uncontrollable urge to move the legs. The sensation involves moving the legs...